
Posts Tagged ‘samsung series 5 550 chromebook’

Samsung Releases Series 5 550 Chromebook – I Can Haz?

June 10, 2012 Comments off

School’s out for now, so I guess I can start updating this blog again. It’s a perfect time too because apparently, Samsung has just updated the Series 5 into a better model called the “Series 5 550” (catchy title, Samsung!).

And man, it looks nice.

The processor has been upgraded, the RAM has been doubled, the outside looks a lot snazzier, and if that’s not enough, they replaced that damn analog video port with a digital DisplayPort (yes, like on the Macs).

They also made the body of the machine look quite a bit nicer in my opinion. The original Series 5 Chromebook was no slouch when it came to looks, but I do feel like the new one with the more silver-lake finish looks better. To be honest, I’m mostly excited about the specs being boosted, though (curse of being a techie — besides an unhealthy addiction to Baja Blast and cinnamon twists that also, unfortunately, develops with the territory).

UPDATE: After reading the Samsung Series 5 550 review, I’m sold on it. I just need to save up a little more. Darn the financial aid department. DARN THEM.

I guess if I’m ever to get a Chromebook, now would be a good time. Hate buying a new notebook only to have a new model come out a month later. Since the Samsung Series 5 550 literally JUST came out, I guess I shouldn’t have to worry about it for a while.